Saturday, December 21, 2019

Leadership Models †a Comparison - 1471 Words

Leadership Models – A Comparison The study of leadership requires examining various leadership models and the alignment of the theory and practice. Leading and influencing others is a complex task. Leaders and managers can try to lead in a variety of different ways. For this paper, I will examine four models of interest to me, of which I will compare and contrast and where possible touch on the similarities and differences, as well as address some challenges of the different models. The four models / theories I will be specifically focusing on include: Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, Contrarian Leadership and Strong Man Leadership. Transformational leaders find ways to modify the way people think, see, and†¦show more content†¦In this type of leadership style the leader’s power stems from his ability to provide rewards. Typical leader behaviors include interactive goal setting, contingent material reward, contingent personal reward and personal recognition (Manz amp; Sims, 1991). Hater and Bass (1988) indicated that, by contrasting transformational and transactional leadership, it does not mean that the two models are unrelated. In fact, although the two are distinct concepts, they are interrelated, meaning that a leader can be both transactional and transformational. Although transformational leadership may be more effective in changing times, the transactional process of clarifying certain expectancies for a reward, is an essential component of the full range of effective leadership. Transformational leaders, unlike transactional leaders, are said to inspire their followers to such an extent that they work towards the good of the company, while, as pointed out by Avolio amp; Yammarino, (2002), transactional leaderships are constructive as they often tend to result in achieving defined performance requirements. Yukl (2006) relates Transformational leadership as a type that appeals to the moral values of followers in an attempt to raise their consciousness about ethical issues and to mobilize their energy and resources to reform institutions as compared toShow MoreRelatedTheories of Leadership Essay example1492 Words   |  6 PagesSituational Leadership: Houses Path-Goal verses Hersey and Blanchards Leadership Model Situational Leadership: Houses Path-Goal verses Hersey and Blanchards Leadership Model Do you ever reflect on someone that had or has such a positive impact on you that when you think of them words like competent, inspiring, intelligent, courageous, respect, and mentor come to mind? Chances are all of us have had or still have someone like this in our lives, and that someone, is an effective leaderRead MoreLeadership Style That Changed Over The Years1716 Words   |  7 PagesLeadership is often an ambiguous term used to describe those individuals who are managing people and processes. 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